Membership Advantages
Joining a caravan club provides an opportunity to get the best value from your motor home or caravan. It is a chance to explore the country we live in at very little cost, while enjoying the company of like minded people who often become new friends.
Joining a caravan club provides an opportunity to get the best value from your motor home or caravan. It is a chance to explore the country we live in at very little cost, while enjoying the company of like minded people who often become new friends.
Akarana Caravan Club is a community of caravan enthusiasts based in Auckland, New Zealand. The club was incorporated in 1971 and the first rally was held at Puriri Park, Orewa in February 1972.
While the club started up before camper vans/RV's/Motorhomes were common, RVs now make up 60% of the membership.
The club started as a family club with younger couples and their children joining in a rally every fourth weekend.
Akarana Caravan Club holds rallies once every few weeks. Members gather at a pre-arranged site, usually but not always a school, on Friday evening. Most rallies are within 1.5 hours drive from Auckland although on long weekends we may go further. Rally venues are selected and arranged by the Rally Co- ordinator who is a member of the club committee, from sites suggested by club members.
Akarana Caravan Club holds rallies once every few weeks. Members gather at a pre-arranged site, usually but not always a school, on Friday evening. Most rallies are within 1.5 hours drive from Auckland although on long weekends we may go further. Rally venues are selected and arranged by the Rally Co- ordinator who is a member of the club committee, from sites suggested by club members.
Each rally is organised by Rally Captains, members who have volunteered to run that particular rally. The Rally Captains are free to run the rally in any way they wish other than the requirement to keep a register of attendees in the Rally book and organise prizes for the lucky van and raffle. The club provides funds for these and any other incidental expenses.
Some rallies are very organised with visiting speakers or planned events. Others leave members free to explore the area by car, cycle or on foot or relax and socialise on site. Each rally starts with morning tea on Saturday where the programme for the rally is outlined and anything of interest to members is shared. Around 4.00pm each afternoon members gather for happy hour. Saturday night may include a meal at a local restaurant, a pot luck dinner on site, or other entertainment from the rally captain’s imagination. There is a small charge per van for each night of the rally and this is paid to the venue, a great boost to fundraising for many of the small schools we visit.
The rallies end with morning tea on Sunday or Monday if it is a long weekend. The raffle and lucky van prizes are awarded and information about the next rally is given. The club has 2 awards that change hands frequently during rallies – the Stirrer’s Award and the Clanger. These are given by the current holder to someone they consider a more deserving recipient.
Members are free to take part in as many or as few of the rally events as they wish and to attend the number of rallies that fit best with their lives. Nothing is compulsory at a rally.
Members are encouraged to take a turn as rally captains and current members are more than willing to help newer members on their first time as captain.
If you live around Auckland and would like to explore areas outside the city, in the company of other travellers, join the Auckland Akarana Caravan Club.
Get to experience many different locations as we head north and south to a variety of sites. Explore the local area and see what each location has to offer.
If you are interested in owning a caravan or motorhome but don't know where to start, contact the Auckland Akarana Caravan Club for some handy hints.
If you already own a caravan or motorhome but don't use it very often, join the Auckland Akarana Caravan Club on our scheduled rally weekends.
"You are most welcome to join us on one of our rallies to experience the club and meet our friendly members before deciding."
Click here to contact us - we would love to hear from you.